Speak Up, Speak Out Wisconsin is an essential safety initiative developed by the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of School Safety. Our mission is to provide a safe, anonymous, and confidential way for students, parents, school staff, and community members to report potential threats or safety concerns.
Through our 24/7 threat reporting system, we ensure that every voice is heard and every concern is addressed with the utmost seriousness. Our services include behavioral threat assessment and management, critical incident response, and comprehensive school safety guidance.
By empowering individuals to take action, we strive to support those in need and protect our school communities from harm. Your vigilance and willingness to speak up can make a significant difference in maintaining a secure and nurturing environment for all.
Join us in making Wisconsin schools safer. Speak up, speak out, and be the change.
Click here for more information: https://www.ladysmith.k12.wi.us/families-students/speak-up-speak-out.cfm
Student Resources:
Parent Resources: