2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR
Beginning of School
School for all students begins at 8:05 on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. All middle and high school students will be on a modified schedule to go through orientation information for the new school year. LMHS is on a 3 Trimester calendar with each Trimester 12 weeks in length. Students will have 176 contact days.
Parents/Guardians Entering the School
Parents or guardians will not be allowed in the building during pick up and drop off times. Any parents/guardians who wish to meet with school staff must have a pre-scheduled appointment.
Report Cards:
Report cards will be accessed through using Skyward parent access. If you do not have Internet access, a hard copy will be mailed to your residence upon request. Information on how to access student information online is available by contacting the school office at 715-532-5531.
LMHS Fees and Class Dues:
High School Students - Student fees are $20.00 per year. (Student fee $15 and class dues of $5.00) Band Fee - $35.00 (instrument rental fee). Athletic Fee - $25.00 (Must be paid prior to participating in a sport).
Middle School Students - Student fees are $5.00 per year. Band Fee - $35.00 (instrument rental fees) must be paid prior to the student receiving his/her instrument. Athletic Fee - $15.00 (Must be paid prior to participating in a sport). These fees can be paid at registration, at the school office during summer office hours or on the first day of school. All fees must be paid prior to participation in sports (Including any outstanding fees).
IT Miscellaneous Fees - Chromebook Power Cord Replacement - $20.00, LCD Chromebook Screen Replacement - $50.00, Chromebook Keyboard or Touchpad Replacement - $35.00, Chromebook Case Replacement (Top or Bottom) -$35.00, or Replacement of a Chromebook (Lost or Broken) - the cost will vary based on the years in service.
On-Line Handbook:
The LMHS Handbook can be accessed at the following site: Student Handbook. We will not provide a paper copy of the handbook to parents, unless you request in writing that you would like one. A copy of the handbook can be picked up in the school office. The expectation is that the parent/guardian will read the handbook and assist their student in following the rules and guidelines contained within.
High School Students - One complete breakfast and one complete lunch per student per day will be FREE again this year. Extra milk is 40 cents. “Extra” entrée for breakfast is $1.75 and a lunch extra entree is $2.25. Students that receive one free breakfast before school and choose to have another during the HS breakfast break will be charged a la carte prices per item. Must have a positive account balance to make alacarte purchases.
Middle School Students- One complete breakfast and one complete lunch per student per day will be FREE again this year. Extra milk is 40 cents. “Extra” entrée for breakfast is $1.75 and a Lunch extra entree is $2.25. Must have a positive account balance to make alacarte purchases.
Free and Reduced Lunch:
The School District of Ladysmith takes part in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program. Application forms for participation in the Free and Reduced Program are available in each school and included at registration as well as online on Skyward. Please note that the free/reduced application approval helps coverage for other programs such as the elementary school afternoon milk break. The School District of Ladysmith is a Community Eligibility Provision approved school district. This federal program provides 1 complete breakfast and lunch per day free of charge. No “only or extras” are covered - those are additional costs and the student must maintain a positive balance to make those purchases
The School District of Ladysmith is a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) district. Receipt of free breakfast and lunch meals does not depend on returning the free/reduced meal household income application/form. However, this information is necessary for other programs and may be used to determine if your household is eligible for additional benefits such as Title I, Sage, Testing fee reductions, Wisconsin School Day milk break at LES, etc. The following schools participate in CEP: Ladysmith Elementary, Ladysmith Middle, and Ladysmith High Schools. Household income forms are available online in Skyward or in your online registration packet to complete and return to the school.
If you need a household income form any time during the school year, please pick one up in the school office or you can contact or call 715-532-5531 ext 28300.
Medication Form: Click HERE for a letter from our District Nurse
An authorization form to administer medication for both prescription and non-prescriptions must be filled out if your student will be required to take any medication at school throughout the school year. You will be required to supply all medications in their original containers. The physician’s statement on the prescription medication form must be filled out and signed by the doctor. The medication form must be turned in before any medications can be distributed.
HS Student Schedules:
HS students are reminded they must be scheduled for and maintain a minimum of five courses each trimester.
According to state law and school board policy, parents/guardians are responsible for the attendance of their students. If a student will not be in school, a parent/guardian must call the attendance office before 9:00 AM. To provide attendance information dial 532-5531, and you will be prompted to press 5 for the school office and then 4 to report an absence. The Attendance and Absence Line is for leaving a message regarding an absence. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to report absence information as soon as possible. Parent/guardians will be called if the school has not been notified of the student’s absence. In the event we are unable to reach the parent/guardian, a note must be sent explaining the reason for the absence upon the student’s return. Wisconsin Statute 118.16(2) c, e.
All students, parents, and staff are required to observe Wisconsin's Compulsory School Attendance Law. (Statute 118.15) Whether the student misses one class or an entire day without an acceptable excuse, the student is considered truant. Disciplinary action will be taken in each case involving unexcused absences and all cases of truancy will be recorded on the student's permanent record. Truant students will be cited for truancy and referred to court. For approved appointments during school hours, students are to provide the attendance secretary with their appointment slip upon their return to school. Notes from a doctor, dentist, other medical professionals, etc. must also be presented to the school within two days to be counted as a medically excused absence. 118.15 (3)(a)
Excused Absences - Wisconsin Statutes 118.15, 118.16 and 120.13 are specific about attendance and what may be considered an excused absence. By Wisconsin Statute and school board policy, all students between ages 6-18, are required to attend an educational program. State law allows ten excused days of absence per school year. 118.15 (3) (c). This includes pre-planned absences. Parents/guardians have two school-days to excuse absences. After two school-days, all absences will remain unexcused, regardless if information is provided.
Unexcused Absences - Any absence from class or school, which does not meet the criteria for an excused absence is considered unexcused. Leaving to go to lunch, get a haircut, buy food for a sport/field trip, or running errands are not examples of approved absences according to state law and board policy. Without a completed Pre-planned Absence Form, parents may not authorize errands, etc. during school hours.
Tardies - After three tardies a student will be issued a detention, and for every subsequent three tardies additional detentions will be issued at a minimum. If a student is tardy three times to first period, then every subsequent tardy to first period will result in having to turn in their cell phone for the remainder of the day to the front office for the rest of that trimester.